Thursday, May 31, 2018

Road Trip: Death Valley and Yosemite

Friday & Saturday, May 25 & 26, 2018

Friday and Saturday turned out to be big driving days as I headed home.  I had planned to stay on the road until Monday, but things didn't work out that way.  Pongo was dead tired all day Thursday and continued to be tired on Friday in spite of our relaxed schedule the previous day.  I decided to get closer to home rather than stay in Utah.  If he bucked up we'd stay where we were and if not we'd head home.

Capitol Reef National Park, UT
We drove through Capitol Reef on our way to Panamint Springs in Death Valley, which was our ultimate destination for the evening.  We only stopped for a few pictures.  This is one of my favorite parks.

Capitol Reef National Park, UT
Koosharem Reservoir, UT

From there, it was a long, straight shot to Death Valley, which is another of my favorite parks.  We booked a campsite in Panamit Springs for two nights.

Mesquite Flat Dunes, Death Valley National Park, CA
In the morning we drove up a rough road to an old mining site.  It was pretty cool.  Pongo wasn't any better, though, and the campsite felt small and cramped with the Memorial Day weekend crowd there, so I decided to head for home up 395.

Death Valley National Park, CA
Death Valley National Park, CA

Death Valley National Park, CA
Rainbow Canyon, Death Valley National Park, CA
Death Valley, CA

Owens Valley, CA
We lucked out on the drive home.  Highway 120 through Yosemite had been closed the week before.  My friends had tried to use it on their trip out to Canyonlands and had to turn around.  My plan was to take it if it was open, figuring the park folks would push to get it open for the big holiday weekend, or I'd go on up to Tahoe and take I-50 into California.  Well, 120 was, in fact, open.  We saw some spectacular views before driving into fog near Olmstead Point.

Yosemite National Park, CA
See how much nicer it is when there's a few clouds in the sky, or even a lot?  Makes me happy.

Yosemite National Park, CA
Yosemite National Park, CA
Yosemite National Park, CA
All in all, it was a good trip.

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