February 25, 2016
A made an unexpected road trip last week. I got a phone call from my dad about ten days ago. Mom was in the hospital for heart surgery. It was Wednesday night. Surgery would be on Friday.
That's not the kind of phone call you want to get.
Marsh Wren -- Sacramento National Wildlife Refuge, CA |
Black-tailed Jackrabbit |
I decided to drive up Thursday and stay until Mom got settled back at home for recovery. The foster dog situation was a little crazy at my home (my wife runs a dog rescue organization) so she asked me to take Pongo along. No problem there, He's a good travelling companion and I could use the company. Plus, I wasn't planning on doing much adventuring but it gave me a reason to at least get out and do short versions of the dog-friendly variety since he'd be spending a good chunk of his time in a crate.
Black-tailed Jackrabbit -- Sacramento National Wildlife Refuge, CA |
Stopping at the Sacramento National Wildlife Refuge has become pretty standard for us when driving up Interstate 5 in the colder months. Pongo and I both enjoy the auto loop. He hangs out the window and watches the birds and rabbits while I slowly drive and stop for pictures. There are a couple of places where we can stop and stretch our legs and there are a few short trails for strolling.
Snow Goose -- Sacramento National Wildlife Refuge, CA |
Pacific Pond Turtle & Cinnamon Teal -- Sacramento National Wildlife Refuge, CA |
Red-shouldered Hawk -- Sacramento National Wildlife Refuge, CA |
Sacramento National Wildlife Refuge is one of the best places I know for getting good hawk photos. They often sit in the trees alongside the auto route and aren't spooked by cars. It's almost too easy to get nice shots.
Red-tailed Hawk -- Sacramento National Wildlife Refuge, CA |
Greater White-fronted Goose -- Sacramento National Wildlife Refuge, CA |
Greater White-fronted Goose |
Another regular stop is near Weed, CA. There's a rest stop there. Near the rest stop are some train tracks, and from that spot near the train tracks is one of the best views of Mount Shasta that I know of. I'm no expert, mind you. I stop for photos there now on every drive up I-5. The mountain has so many moods that I'm never bored with shooting from that same location.
Mount Shasta, CA |
No, it's not the kind of phone call anyone wants to hear about their family, I got one awhile back for the same thing about my mom from my dad that she had to go have heart surgery, so not cool and now she has breast cancer. =0(
ReplyDeleteI'm so sorry to hear about your mom Shane, I do hope she's doing much better now but, wish it on nobody not even cancer.
Beautiful nature shots tho, Shane. I bet you felt better going out and getting some nature shots, photography really helps me relax and hope it does the same for you. =0)
Thanks, Marie.
DeleteMy mom is recovering well. She's walking and talking and bossing my dad around, which makes him scowl and me and my siblings chuckle.
Glad you Mom is on the mend. Nature is a great healer.